Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Supreme Court

Blog post #2 

Growing up in the American school system I was able to retain a little knowledge about the Supreme Court and the importance they have to our government.( I wish I would have payed more attention in class).  The videos I watched and article I read definitely refreshed my memory and also provided new insights. For example I did not know the Supreme Court has almost the same power as the president. This really plays into the checks and balances system. Personally I like it.  This gives more people more power instead of placing it all in the president's lap on having to make important decisions. Plus Supreme Court justices once pulled in have the job for their life. This gives an array of opinions and insights as the elected presidents have bounced around between both parties through the years so decisions are not swinging one way. This may make decisions old and outdated because a supreme court justice could literally sit in office his or her whole life.  I also did not know the amount of cases the Supreme Court received a year and had a choice to accept them or not.  I only thought they received the "important" ones.  The amount of people that work for each justice was surprising as well. It takes a whole team for each and every justice to pick and sort through all of the cases and then decide which one they want to take. 

I would say my most important takeaway was the amount of power the chief court justice has. They oversee impeachments and have major influence on laws decided, cases, and much more.If you think about it essentially they are almost if not  equal to the POTUS. If you hold this seat you have been in the system the longest which I respect. You have put in the work and have gained wisdom over time. For example John Marshall established the power to review and rule on the constitutionality of federal laws enacted by congress. They interpret what is wrong and what is right, nothing moves without their piece in the puzzle concerning  legal purposes.  

I had no true opinion on the supreme court before actually taking the time to try and understand. I have grown immense respect for not only the work they do but the amount. Personally it could not be me right now, I would die of boredom sitting behind that desk all day doing the type of work they do. They play a major role in the checks and balances system which I love, keeping people accountable and honest in the roles they are in. Although I do not see myself taking an interest in a future career , you never know where life will take you. I always enjoy soaking up new knowledge and am glad I got to expand my horizons on the play the supreme court has in our governments system. 

For more information visit:

Watch: Part I



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