Friday, October 1, 2021

The Progressive Era

 Like said in the original prompt I had never heard of either of the linked websites. The renowned phrase, "history repeats itself" is executed perfectly by the American government here.  The Sedition Act of 1918,  where the government literally opposed its original law of freedom of speech, banning the right to speak out against the government concerning war. In my opinion this is where government becomes too powerful and kind of manipulative towards society acting in the colors of a monarchy rather than a democracy. We see this in a more subtle way today with these websites airing out Americas dirty laundry with topics dealing with the President, Iran, Palestine, and many other touchy subjects. The websites are kind of hidden and tucked off in the corner. If these subjects were reported on national news, I think we would have a lot more "peaceful" protest going on at our capital.  

Rule #1: Cash is King | CPA Practice Advisor

America's government has even locked up a man running for president at the time for speaking out against what has been done behind the curtain. Imagine if this candidate would have won. I wonder what would have been exposed .  A recent viral video was shown in class where a war veteran outwardly expressed himself in which he had every right to do during a press conference in which the president at the time was in attendance.  Saying, "APOLOGIZE" "Tell the truth.", referring to war crimes done by the government to innocent people.  He was forcefully removed from the room. As a society we do not know everything that is done by our government or even the why ( most of the time money). If we did in my opinion any one with a conscience would no longer be proud to call themselves an American citizen. We would very well soon fall into the blame game on our political parties. (yes I believe America is that childish) I believe a lot of the things done to get to where we are today have been shady. I mean our country was built on unrightfully taking land from Native American's and then was turned into a holiday like nothing ever happened. Not to even mention slavery, from previous blogs you already know my opinion on that. Taking a look at problems now a days and how the government will do anything for a dollar. War Dogs,  these dudes make a fortune illegelly selling weapons and I know our government has had a play in this. The only reason I even have knowledge of this is because of the movie " War Dogs" with Jonna Hill and Miles Teller, a must see film if you have not watched. The world runs on money and we will continue to see these shady things going on until the curtain is finally pulled back. My mom always tells me this old church quote that I believe will happen if America doesn't straighten up. " Everything that is done in the dark will always come to the light." - Momma Brown 

War Dogs (2016) - IMDb

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