Thursday, September 23, 2021

EOTO presentations

 The EOTO presentations were interesting. I felt like I got to know the class better personality wise and a little more about technology. One that really caught my intrest were the carrier pigeons. Originally I wanted to do this because it sounded funny and cool, which it was. The fact that we used to use birds to send out mail is crazy to me. How did the train the birds? That is a question that really never got answered, how did they know when to drop off the package and where. I give birds a lot more credit for their intelligence than I did before. If you had to send a message overseas how long did that take? A bird was not possible. Now a days it is instant communication from any where and everywhere. You even said your self you sent your very first email in 1995 before I was even born. Most of the people I know can not even imagine a world with out the instant gratification of an email, text, or internet as a whole. One of the cool facts that I took away from the presentation included the early days of email. The fact that the pigeon beat the email sent by a long shot is crazy to me. To look back on how slow it was to now a days. Where you can send an email to a person across the country and they can not only get it but respond in minutes is insane. As a society we have come so far in technology spanning across all forms, I can not wait to see what the future holds. 

Pigeon-Based 'Feathernet' Still Wings-Down Fastest Way to Transfer Massive  Amounts of Data - IEEE Spectrum

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