Sunday, September 12, 2021


 I was assigned the technological advancement of Bluetooth. A communication tool that changed the way we connect with each other and our devices for the better.  Bluetooth became a buzz in the engineering world around 1993, when the company Ericsonn assigned employee Jaap Haartsen to trail-blaze the new and exciting upgrade in the world of technology.  Link:

So what exactly is Bluetooth? "It is a short range wireless technology standered that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances using UHF radio waves." Average distance usually ranges from twenty-five to thirty-feet when your devices are connected. Now a days this could be computers, headphones, cellphones, speakers and essentially any other technology that is available. But like anything to truly understand something you have to go back to the past. With all success comes a helping hand.  Sven Mattison another engineer at Ericsonn was this for Jaap Haartsen. As a team they were able to develop multi-communicator links something that would transform into the world known advancement Bluetooth. 

Bluetooth uses short length radio technology to connect your wireless devices. It is based on a technology called frequency hooping spread spectrum, first used to keep torpedoes from being jammed that were being guided by radio. Unfortunately the U.S army did not adapt this but luckily civilian society took advantage of what science was trying to bring to new generations. This system allows multiple devices to be connected at the same time using the master slave-structure. ( they could have found a better name in my opinion) But meaning the master device can push out information to one or more slave devices at the same time. Link:

"Bluetooth", what a random name for something that is dealing with technology. Apparently it was named after King Harald Gormsson. Blue tooth was his nickname. This was the man that introduced Christianity to Denmark but also unified numorous tribes and clans under a single flag. Bluetooths main goal to bring together every piece of technology under one platform kind of what was accomplished by King Harold.  The logo is also the same as the character that you can find on the Kings banner. The letters are a Nordick H and B. The engineers could not come up with a better name or idea so it stuck.  Link:

The Danish Viking king with a blue tooth who gave his name to Bluetooth  technology - Education Today News

Bluetooth did not really go mainstream until the early 2000's. People thought it looked weird and did not really adapt right away. I remember as a little kid looking at my dad taking work calls with this funny shaped device in his ear and wondering what is was. Now it is normal to see people talking out loud on the phone through their wireless headphones. You can even text from your computer now all because of Bluetooth. I am amazed by the advancments society has made in such a short period of time. What else will we be able to connect as the years pass?  My only critique or advancement I would want to see them make is the distance of connection for your devices. If I am going on a mile run I do not want to have to cary my cell phone or feel it bouncing around in my pocket while running. This is what Bluetooth should have its eyes on next.

I had previously written the blog post so just adding to what you said to do in class. I believe some of the pioneers where the people that were close to the study and the invention. They trusted the technology and knew what it could do. Early adapters included people in business trying to innovate and bring new communication styles to their company. Early majority, once people began to see it work it started to leak into the common population and even more in Business America. Late adapters included the elderly, they were just getting used to the cell phone at that time, I do not know if they would want to take it a step further and have a funny shaped device in their ear at that time.  Now everyone uses it for everything. 


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