Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I knew our government had information on us but not to the extent the videos were describing. I already had a sense of distrust for them but after viewing the videos they solidified that gut feeling. Why does the government need to know all this information about me if I am an innocent citizen?  If they know everything about me, essentially there is no privacy. Like video one saying no one needs to know that much. Like said , having that much access is kind of like playing a God.  One of the major shockers was the cameras that were sold to facebook that were mounted in places that could be used to track where you are, who you're with, and much more. Stores can now use facial id to track your purchasing history in real life time and sell you on something in person. I know this is done on the internet with ads being sent to your phone but having it done in the moment is just crazy. 

We then moved on to how police are using license plates readers to again collect unnecessary data on innocent humans living their everyday lives. At one point a man asked for the data on his license plate to be released and they could see who he was with, where he was, and even had a picture of him going into his house with his family. To me this is insane. Police also use this if they suspect behavior that may harm the community , which I agree with but to an extent. Only if you have actually evidence. Using a tool called sting they could go through a whole street or even neighborhoods houses and tell you who is where and what they are doing. 

Wiretapping, hacking text messages and emails are something we see in movies like Jason Bourne but are known to happen everyday.  In the past anyone could be wire taped and listened to by our government, foreign governments, or even just hackers. I understand the why of this but there needs to be a medium.  Apple and some other companies have started to develop your communication tools so they become encrypted and no one can really see them.Personally I don’t really believe that. Governments have become “mad” about this becasue it has put a barrier in there search for terrorism and other unlawful activities. Companies have tried to make backdoors for this where only certain people can get in but with that any seasoned hacker can find it as well. So what is the solution to this problem? I do not know. I understand safety precautions but like said before there needs to be a medium. 

The volatile and disgraceful act of releasing someone else nude photos without their permission was the next video. The woman in this video was very very strong. She explained that her ex boyfriend decided to release nude photos that he had taken of her while she was asleep. He barely even received a slap on the wrist. In my opinion it should be a law that you should get a sentence to prison if this is done, and the fact that it is not already is horrible. The amount of women that go through this and have to deal with the problem ultimately ending up with cases of depression and suicide is just sad. Imagine if you were suddenly exposed to everyone you know and the world butt naked on the internet. This could essentially ruin your life, jobs not wanting to hire you, money lost and more. Privacy is no joke and needs to be taken a lot more seriously especially regarding the women in our society.

The fact that a child's toy can monitor and gather data on a family is not ideal to me. Although you do have to sign an agreement when you get the toy I do not know if I still like this. I like my privacy and I want it to remain private, not our government having mines of data on innocent people. I understand why behind it but I believe there can be a better way. It has kind of become a norm and how the world works. I want there to be change in the ways we deal with nude pictures being released, there should be a price to pay rather than a little slap on the wrist. Our government is trying to protect us but I believe they do not need to be so invasive on innocent citizens. 

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