Thursday, September 23, 2021

Theory of Diffusion

     I decided to do my diffusions of innovations post on electric cars. The first electric car released in the early 1800's where scientist in Hungary, Netherlands, and the US were tinkering around with the idea. They were very small and horses where still the primary source of transportation. In 1884 it became more practical. They became more and more popular in urban areas in the late 1890's especially with women particulary because they were less noisy and did not stink as much. They began to take off but the hybrid model of a car was released in 1901. Then through 1908 and 1912 the model- t was released making gas ran cars more affordable and accessible for the common person. This is when the decline began of electric cars and gas took over. We really did not see electric cars enter a conversation until the production of the Tesla line on luxury electric cars.  People are becoming more and more drawn to them as they are proven to help the environment and honestly is a trend.

    Looking at it through the lens of the Roger Diffusion of Innovation back in the day I would say people caught on because it was not an expensive option. It was easily accessible as well as to operate. The main buyers were white women with money though. I believe this because it was kind of a luxury while horse was still the main mode of transportation. As gas powered cars were put out and sold at an extremely cheaper rate, basically all of America caught on to this trend ditching the horse. The early adapters where the rich like with all things and as prices fell and it became more common to have a car this is when people took the leap to join the trend.  Now the electric car business has kind of picked up where it started with luxury brands putting out the most popular cars. History kind of repeats itself in a funny way. Tesla, Audi, and BMW are great examples but these come with a very high price. As we see now people want to help the environment. Companies that market to families and the middle class are coming out with hybrid models sold at an affordable rate. Once we realize that earth can not take so much pollution I think the slow transformation from gas to electric will have a speedy, constant, and steady rise. I believe the positive will out weigh the negative as this transformation happens. We begin to save on oil and gas and try to reverse the damage we have done thus far to our home planet. 

Blog Post | What We Can Learn From Our Colorful Electric Car History | Car  Talk

In the next 100 years I believe gas stations will almost be obsolete. These will turn into overnight charging stations. Or parking lots will just be full of charging stations with gas stations becoming retail stores. I also predict a lot of these cars eventually turning self automated. Will people even know how to drive in the future?  When I get older and I can afford it I know I will want an electric car. Ive already began my research and my current dream car is the new Audi that was released. It was actually featured in The Avengers movie. Iron man was driving it and I knew it had to be mine one day. 

2022 Audi e-tron GT Review, Pricing, and Specs


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